How to operate TM1637 with Arduino | 4 digit seven segment display

TM1637 with Arduino
There is a lot of seven-segment display in the market and it’s widely used into the electronics as well as ...
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Arduino with MLX90614 IR temperature Sensor and LCD display.

Arduino with MLX90614 IR temperature Sensor
Recently we have made a useful project with the MLX90614 IR Temperature sensor. MLX90614 sensor is the most useful sensor ...
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Car parking Project Vacant Slot Monitor | Smart car Parking

car parking project
A car parking project is needed to implement in every parking to save us time. There are many simple and ...
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Heart Beat Sensor Using Arduino| BPM Monitor with Arduino

heart beat sensor bpm monitor
Introduction Hey geeks, welcome back to Techatronic. In this article, we are going to make a heart beat sensor using ...
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How to Bootload Arduino | Arduino Bootloader Tutorial

Bootload Arduino
Burning Arduino bootloader seems to be a tough task for a beginner, or for someone who hasn’t done it before. ...
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Types Of Arduino Boards | Arduino Uno | Mega | Mini | Specification

types of arduino
Introduction Hey guys, welcome back to Techatronic. In this article, we are going to discuss different types of Arduino boards ...
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Bluetooth Controlled Servo motor project | Arduino servo motor project

Introduction Hey guys, we are back with another new project on Arduino. In this article, we are going to make ...
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Light Dimmer Circuit Using Arduino | Arduino light dimmer

Introduction of Arduino light dimmer Hello geeks, hope you are doing fine. Are you searching for an Arduino light dimmer ...
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DHT11 Sensor With SSD1306 OLED | DHT11 with Arduino

Introduction Hello techies, welcome back to Techatronic. In this article, we are going to learn how to display the temperature ...
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DS1307 RTC Module With Arduino | Arduino clock project

ds1307 rtc module
Introduction of Arduino Clock Project Hey geeks, welcome back to Techatronic. We are sure that you all have seen analog ...
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