Arduino ProjectsElectronics projects

Top 10 Engineering Projects

Hey guys, welcome back to Techatronic. Today we are presenting you “Top 10 Engineering Projects” The need for solutions to common issues is driving up the complexity of electronic projects. Furthermore, electronics projects have a completely new meaning now that IoT is involved. The best manually selected projects for electronics engineers are listed below. Among the projects on the lists are Arduino and ESP32.

1. Prevention Of Railway Accidents Using Arduino Uno

One of the most popular and widely used forms of transportation is the railroad. On the face of the planet, it is the oldest and fastest form of transportation. Between 1750 and 1840, railway development was initiated for industrial purposes. Later, only the wealthy could afford to travel on the railways, which were then available for public use.

Worldwide, railroad accidents are extremely common. Over 40 accidents are thought to occur annually on average throughout the world. The railroads lose millions of dollars and valuable life as a result of these unintentional accidents. In rail accidents, 900 people lose their lives on average.

Six people were killed and seventeen were injured when an SUV and a train collided at a crossing point in Florida recently. The SUV driver failed to check both ways before crossing the rail track. Human error causes train collisions frequently, which result in hundreds of injuries and many fatalities.

Top 10 Engineering Projects

In this project, we are using Arduino Uno, ultrasonic sensor, a toy train and rail, servo motor and a relay. We will make a radar for object detection in front of a moving train and display the data on the computer. The ultrasonic sensor scan the area and if it detects something in front of the moving train, it will show on the monitor. Click here for project.

2. Advance Smart Irrigation Project with Guide Rail | movable Pump Smart Irrigation

Despite the fact that we have already created an advanced smart irrigation project. However, we are approaching this project entirely differently this time. For this project, a guide rail is being used.

A set of linear bearings combined with the belt, pulley, and stepper motor. We constructed a movable water pump nozzle system. Consequently, the nozzle is able to move between points. For four distinct plants, we are using four different sections there.

With varying needs for water. Thus, the water nozzle-equipped guide rail moves to the designated area and initiates water sprinkling whenever a plant needs watering.We will be using a lot of mechanical and electronic components in this project. Thus, we will create this project by combining mechanical and electronic components. Click here for detailed project.

Components Required

  • 4- Capacitive soil moisture sensor
  • 1- Arduino Uno
  • 1- Arduino uno cable
  • 1.- Water pump 12v
  • 1- Level Pipe
  • 1- on-off switch
  • 1-hook-up wire
  • 1-Jumper Wire
  • 1- Stepper Motor
  • 2-Pulley
  • 1- belt
  • 1- A4966 Stepper motor driver
  • 1- Magnet Sensor

3. Automatic School Bell Arduino Project| Time Table Bell Alarm

The functioning of the college and school bells is all we know. When necessary, someone answers the bell. the point at which one topic period ended and the next one began. Imagine if the automatic school bell had a microcontroller that set its own timing and made it ring? The same functionality is being implemented in this project.

There is a feature on the automatic school bell where you have to enter the schedule there and only there. You can enter the start and end times in this system. Additionally, there is a break option. We can also enter the time duration and the name of the subject. We could feed first period math, second period English, and so on. We can choose between two breaks and eight periods. Click here for project.

Components Required

  • Arduino nano
  • RTC 1307 module
  • push button
  • relay
  • bc547 transistor
  • IN4007 diode
  • 1k Resistor
  • 16×2 LCD display
  • Normal electrical bell
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4. Smart Helmet Project Using Arduino | Accident Detection Helmet

A smart helmet is equipped with numerous features, such as call and navigation capabilities, alcohol and accident detection, and many more features that contribute to its smart status. This helmet can be very helpful when it comes to the driver’s safety and security. For example, you can’t start the bike if you’re intoxicated. Thus, it has been updated with numerous features. The primary goal of this smart helmet project is to increase driver safety.

Numerous electronic components, including GPS, GSM, and other sensors, make up this helmet. Also, a functional 2G or 3G sim was needed for the GSM module. We constantly strive to use innovation to address issues facing the community. Some of the projects we have completed in the past include the blind stick and sign language glove. in this ingenious helmet. Click here for full project. Click here for more.

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5. Smart water heater using Arduino DIY Project

This can be made into a portable smart water heater for the winter. This can be used in a variety of situations where a compact, intelligent, and safe water heater is required. This is a very practical and easy-to-use project that has numerous applications. Like you can take it with you wherever you go. While there are other smart water heaters on the market, this one is special and has some extra features. Thus, in order to simplify things, you must adhere to the guidelines provided. Click here for more.

Components Required

  • Arduino nano
  • 16×2 display
  • DS1820B temperature sensor
  • buzzer
  • push button
  • singal channel relay
  • potentiometer
  • Mini water heater

you can buy this project-BUY LINK

6. Fire Fighter Robot using Arduino | Fire fighting Robot

Controlling the fire can be done with a firefighting robot. This robot is capable of autonomous fire detection and water cannon control. Robots can move to the location of the fire to put it out thanks to certain sensors we use. The firefighting robot’s structure is identical to that of an RC car controlled by Bluetooth. The robot is equipped with three sensors, one of which is located at its front to detect objects in its path.

You can buy all components are together-BUY LINK

The other two sensors, which additionally look for fire, at each front corner. The robot will sense and approach any site where a sensor picks up fire. In order to aid in making decisions based on the Arduino code, the firefighting robot is equipped with four wheels, three sensors, a water tank, a nozzle, and a computer. Click here for detailed project.

Components Required

  • Arduino Uno
  • flame IR Sensor
  • Robot Chassis
  • 12v Battery
  • Wires
  • Nozzle for water
  • Water pump 5v
  • Single channel relay

7. ESP8266 Alexa Home Automation System | NodeMCU Alexa Automation

This system requires a tiny microcontroller with built-in wifi in order to function. The ESP8266 has simultaneous capabilities. This microcontroller has wifi built right in. All we need to use this controller is an internet connection. First, a smartphone with the Google Home and Alexa apps installed is required for this system. Alexa home automation with esp8266 can be managed by both apps. Both the installation and configuration of the application are required.
Click here for full project.

components Required

  • ESP8266
  • manual switches
  • 4-channel relay board
  • wires
  • bulb

You can buy all components are together – BUY LINK

8. Home Automation using IoT | IoT project

We will demonstrate in this project how to use a mobile app on the internet to control home appliances. Although there are some restrictions, we can also use a mobile phone for Bluetooth control home automation. and the range is the main constraint.

However, there is no range restriction—you can operate the appliances from any location. For both devices, you only need internet access. for your device, esp8266, and your cell phone. We are using Blynk mobile app to operate these functions. Click here for full project.

Components Required

  1. NodeMCU (esp8266)
  2. 4 Channel relay
  3. Breadboard
  4. jumper wires
  5. Connecting cable
  6. AC fan
  7. AC bulb
  8. Bulb holder
  9. Wire
  10. AC Supply
  11. Nodemcu power supply

You can buy all components are together – BUY LINK

9. Smart Farming Using IOT

These days, smart farming initiatives are popular. Everyone wants their land and farm to be smart because it looks good, is technologically advanced, and requires less labor to operate. So, if you wish to create a system of that kind as well, adhere to the guidelines provided. All of the data is sent to the server by the IoT farming project. Click here for full project.

Components Required

  • NodeMcu-2
  • General-purpose PCB
  • 4 channel ADC multiplexer
  • 5 soil moisture sensor
  • DHT11
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires
  • connecting cables

You can buy all components are together-BUY LINK

10. Human Following Robot width Arduino

This project is a human-following robot that uses a special sensor that is connected to it to follow the human. Infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, motor drivers, servo motors, and many more are present. Details about each component are included in the post.

This robot follows its target when it comes into view. It is equivalent to a robot that avoids obstacles. This robot looks very cute cause its structure looks like a human face and it resembles Mars curiosity rover. Click here for the project.

You can buy all components are together- BUY LINK

Components Required

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