Raspberry Pi GPIO | Configure LED

raspberry pi gpio
Hello Tech Folks, I am here with you with some of basic tutorials of Raspberry Pi. Today we gonna configure ...
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Raspberry Pi motor control

Raspberry Pi motor control
Hey Friends, I am back again with another tutorial based on Raspberry Pi. Today we gonna discuss how to control ...
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DIY Arduino Weather Station | DHT11 Sensor

Hello there, Are you making a Weather station project but you’re not sure how? Do you want to make your ...
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Automatic Railway Gate Control Using Arduino and IR Sensor

automatic railway gate control
Welcome to Techatronic, in this article we are going to discuss automatic railway gate control using Arduino and IR sensor ...
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Pulse oximeter NodeMCU

Welcome back guys, Today I’m here with another new IoT-based project but it is not based on Raspberry Pi. It’s ...
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Raspberry Pi with IR Sensor

object detection with rpi
Hi Tech Freaks, I’m back with another interesting and important tutorial based on Raspberry Pi. So, today we gonna see ...
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Interfacing RCWL 0516 with Arduino | Microwave Sensor

Hello There. Are you making a project that requires the use of an RCWL 0516 Microwave sensor? Do you want ...
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Arduino Smart shortest path finder With HC-SR 04

Welcome guys, in this article we are going to discuss shortest path finder using Arduino and ultrasonic sensor HC-SR 04. ...
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Face Recognition using Raspberry Pi

face recognition using raspberry pi
Hi there welcome to another new post based on raspberry pi. Today we are going to a bit higher level ...
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Interfacing GSM Module with Arduino| SIM 900 Module | GSM Tutorial

Introduction Hello There. Welcome to Techatronic. In this article, We will see the interfacing of the SIM 900 GSM Module ...
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