Arduino Tutorials

RGB Led with Arduino UNO Example

Hello Techie. Are you thinking of using RGB led in your project? Do you want to know to interface RGB led with Arduino? well, you are at the right place. In this article, we will be covering all these topics in a detailed guide. We will also provide you the circuit diagram and Arduino code. Hence, I hope you find this useful. We at Techatronic have already uploaded several Arduino Tutorials and detailed project guides related to Arduino which will be useful to learn the basics and programming of Arduino.

RGB Led with Arduino

What Is RGB Led?

RGB led is made by adding three LEDs of Color Red, Green, and Blue. these are encased in a single led shape which can be addressed individually. This LED is capable of producing as many colors as you want using the three different LEDs. This can be done by varying the voltage supplied to the individual R-G-B pins.

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This type of LED is very popular among many Electronic enthusiasts and DIY Project makers. Due to its easy-to-use application and several color outputs, this is very useful to Indicate different types of status or can be used as an indicator thereby eliminating the use of different LEDs for different colors.  There are also many RGB Strips that use these LEDs in a parallel mode forming a strip that can also be used with Arduino. We will also make the projects on this using them in the future.


How RGB led With ArduinoWorks?

RGB Led also works the same as normal led work. But since it has three separate LEDs inside, it has three different terminals for each color with a common terminal. the common terminal can be an Anode or a Cathode. so there are two different types of RGB LEDs available in the market. Hence, one must be aware of this which getting the LED as per the need of the project. We are using the common Anode type for this tutorial.

RGB Led with Arduino

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • RGB Led(Common Anode)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard
  • 220-ohm Resistor
  • USB cable to connect Arduino UNO with computer

RGB LED with Arduino Circuit Diagram

RGB Led Arduino UNO Example circuit Diagram
Arduino UNORGB Led220 Ohm Resistor
D10 PinTerminal 1 
 Terminal 2Terminal 1
D9 PinTerminal 3 
D8 PinTerminal 4 
GND Terminal 2
  • Red pin of Led to D8 of  Arduino UNO
  • Green pin of Led to D9 of  Arduino UNO
  • Blue pin of Led to D10 of  Arduino UNO
  • GND pin of Led to GND of  Arduino UNO with 220-ohm Resistor in between

Arduino RGB led code

 void setup()  
   pinMode(8,OUTPUT); // Red led pin  
   pinMode(9,OUTPUT); // Green led pin  
   pinMode(10,OUTPUT); // Blue led pin  
 void loop()   
  digitalWrite(8,HIGH); // Red led ON  
  digitalWrite(8,LOW);  // Red led OFF  
  digitalWrite(9,HIGH); // Green led ON  
  digitalWrite(9,LOW);  // Green led OFF  
  digitalWrite(10,HIGH); // Blue led ON  
  digitalWrite(10,LOW); // Blue led OFF  
RGB Led with Arduino

After Uploading the code, provided above, the LED connected will start blinking with each color appearing for one second and then turning off after one second and then the other color appearing sequentially.

Arduino RGB led code pattern

 void setup()  
   pinMode(8,OUTPUT); // Red led pin  
   pinMode(9,OUTPUT); // Green led pin  
   pinMode(10,OUTPUT); // Blue led pin  
 void loop()   
  digitalWrite(8,HIGH); // Red led ON  
  digitalWrite(9,LOW);  // Green led OFF  
  digitalWrite(10,LOW); // Blue led OFF  
  digitalWrite(8,LOW);  // Red led ON  
  digitalWrite(9,HIGH);  // Green led OFF  
  digitalWrite(10,LOW);  // Blue led OFF  
  digitalWrite(8,LOW);  // Red led ON  
  digitalWrite(9,LOW);  // Green led OFF  
  digitalWrite(10,HIGH); // Blue led OFF  

After Uploading the above code, the LED connected will glow in a pattern. I hope you liked this article. If you need any help, you can ask them in the comment section below.

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