Arduino Projects

How to make Arduino Bluetooth rc car

Welcome to the Techatronic, in this article we will explain how to make an Arduino Bluetooth RC car.

this is a very simple and basic project from Arduino. and also a very popular project like Smart Dustbin.

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we decided to make the projects with all the instructions required to make it possible. what does it do? it moves according to your instructions which we will give you on your mobile phone.

Arduino Bluetooth RC Car

and you can use this RC car robot in many applications, for example, you can use this robot in your home to carry the food. or we can use this robot to clean our floor.

this depends on you where you can use this awesome robot. to learn how to make the robot please read the full article step by step. there is some table of content as given as follows.


Arduino Bluetooth RC car is a car which is connected with the Bluetooth device with our mobile phone an d can be control by the mobile phone. Like there is an application in the mobile phone which connect the car with the Bluetooth communication. and sending signals from application to the device. For example there is som button in the application which control the direction and movement of the car.

Likee there is a button start the car, when you touch on the button the mobile application send a character ‘A’. Now, the device in Arduino Bluetooth rc car will get this character. and send it to the Microcontroller. we code this microcontroller like if the device get ‘A’ then the motor of the car will move forward. for backward direction of car there we can use another character.

This is the method to control the Arduino based Bluetooth RC car.

Arduino Bluetooth rc car image

What you will learn in Arduino Bluetooth car:-

Serial communication:-

What is serial communication and why is it needed? We have a lot of data in parallel manners. for example,

if I have the data “ASKONIZATION” has to be transferred, then we need 12 wires or 12 paths to transfer the data from one device to another device.

Serial communication

but as we are using serial communication then the data is arranged Serially with the help of some shift register and can be transferred by a single wire.

this is a very easy and simple way to transfer a lot of data with a single wire instead of using multiple paths or wires.

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How to use Bluetooth module hc-05 with Arduino:-

As we discussed in the above paragraph about serial communication now we will learn how to transfer the data through Bluetooth using serial communication.

bluetooth hc-05 rc car

There are four pins in the Bluetooth module Rx, Tx, VCC, and ground. connect properly according to the given circuit diagram for a Bluetooth-controlled car using Arduino.

We will use the baud rate 9600 on which a Bluetooth hc-05 can communicate with the Arduino. Bluetooth module HC-05 is easy to use because we are having many libraries inside the Arduino IDE. which helps to write the program.

we have made a gesture control car too with this technology.

 How does a Bluetooth RC car work?

  • in the Arduino Bluetooth car, the data is sent by the mobile phone to the Bluetooth module hc-05 which is connected to the Arduino,
  • and the Arduino takes decisions according to the data received via Bluetooth.
  • if you send an instruction for left from your mobile phone then the Arduino will send the instruction to the motor to move the right.
  • but you have to connect the mobile device with your Bluetooth RC car.
  • and there is an app that controls the touch feedback to any instruction.

  Components Required to make Arduino Bluetooth RC car

you can buy full components kit for this projects

Component Table

You can buy the whole components from the given link we have to share the amazon link. from where you can get a good discount on the components.

S.NoComponent RequiredQuantity
1.Arduino UNO1
2.Arduino UNO Cable1
3L298N Motor Driver1
4.DC Motor4
5.HC-05 Bluetooth1
6.9 Volt Battery1
7.12 Volt Battery1
8.Jumper Wire40
10.4 Motor Chassis 1
11.2 Motor Chassis1

Connection Diagram for Bluetooth controlled car using Arduino

Connection Table

Arduino UNOL298N Motor Driver
12 PinIN 1
11 PinIN 2
10 PinIN 3
9 PinIN 4
Arduino UNOHC-05 Bluetooth
( +5V ) VCC
TX PinRX Pin
RX PinTX Pin
Arduino UNO9 V BatteryL298N Motor Driver
( +5V )  +5 Volt
 9 Volt+12 Volt
Motor 1, 2 Motor 3, 4 L298N Motor Driver
Terminal 1 Out 1
Terminal 2 Out 2
 Terminal 1Out 3
 Terminal 2Out 4

Bluetooth-controlled car using Arduino code

char m=0;
void setup() 
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);  
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);

void loop() 
 if (Serial.available()>0)
 if (m=='R')
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

  else if (m=='L')
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH);

else if (m=='F')
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH);

 else if (m=='B')
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

else if (m=='S')
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

How to upload the program.

Copy the given code and paste it into the Arduino Ide

Click on the tools and select the port of your Arduino

Click on the upload icon on the app

How to set up the Android app for Arduino Bluetooth RC Car

  1. Download the Bluetooth RC controller from Given link
  2. Click on the Setting icon and connect with your Bluetooth device
bluetooth app for rc car

To connect with your device you need to turn on your Bluetooth. then go to the setting and pair new device. after getting the HC-05 device pait your app with the device. if it ask for the password then write 1234. after completing pairing now go to the application. click on the connect button now. select your device which is hc-05. Now it is connected.

After connecting the application with your Arduino Bluetooth RC Car. you can operate your car with the application.

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