Gas leakage detector using Arduino- LPG Alarm

Gas leakage detector using Arduino
How to make Gas leakage detector using Arduino Welcome to the Techatronic guys, in this article we are going to ...
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What is an Arduino? brief Description- Tutorial #1

what is an arduino
What is Arduino Welcome to the Techatronic Guys, So finally we are starting the Arduino Tutorial Series. This is for ...
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How to make RFID Arduino door security system

RFID Arduino security lock
RFID Arduino gate security Hey Guys, welcome to the Techatronic. in this article, we are going to make am RFID ...
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Fingerprint Project | Fingerprint door lock project

fingerprint project lock
Introduction Welcome to the Techatronic Guys, In this article, we are going to make an Arduino Fingerprint Project to control ...
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