Nodemcu Tutorial On Water Level Sensor | NodeMCU Tutorial


Hi techies, hope you are doing fine. In this article, we are going to discuss the working of an RGB LED module and water level senor with the nodemcu.

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Well, what if we combine these two modules in a single project? So keeping this in mind we made a water level indicator system using these two sensors and ESP8266 nodemcu board.

If you don’t have an RGB LED module then it’s okay as we can also use individual red green and blue LEDs instead of it. in this nodemcu tutorial, You can also check out more such interesting projects on Arduino and IoT.

The code and circuit for this project are also provided below for your convenience. Let’s start making it.

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Working of the Project

We are sharing two circuits, you can make any one of them and then upload the code. Both the circuits do the same work in this nodemcu tutorial.

  • The water level sensor that we use here generates an output on the basis of the amount of water that is present in the container.
  • You have to put it inside the container vertically so that the values are accurate.
  • If the water level is low then only the red LED will glow,
  • if the water level is moderate then both green and red LEDs will glow,
  • and if the water level is full then all three LEDs will glow.
  • We give these predefined conditions to the nodemcu.

You can also see the values generated by the water level sensor on the serial monitor screen.

Working Simulation

Components Required

  • ESP8266 nodemcu board
  • KY-016 RGB LED module
  • Water level sensor
  • Red, green, and blue LEDs
  • 220-ohm resistors
  • Jumper wires and a breadboard
  • USB cable for uploading the code

Circuit Diagram for the Project

  • Connections for the RGB module
NodeMCU Tutorial

Connection Table

Nodemcu esp8266Water level Sensor
VV, Vin VCC 
D1 PinS  Pin
Nodemcu esp8266RGB Led Module
G , GND(  –  ) 
D7 PinR Pin
D6 PinG Pin
D5 PinB Pin
  • Connect the VCC and GND pins of the sensor with the VIN and GND pins of the nodemcu.
  • Join the signal pin of the sensor with the analog-0 pin of the nodemcu.
  • Now take an RGB LED module and connect its GND pin with the GND pin of the nodemcu.
  • Connect the R, G, and B pins of the module with the digital-7, digital-6, and digital-5 pins of the nodemcu.
mini project

Connection Table

Nodemcu esp8266Water level Sensor
VV, Vin ( +5V )VCC ( Positive + )
G, GND ( Ground )GND ( Ground – )
D1 Pin( S ) OUT Pin
NodemcuLED GLED YLED R220 Ohm Resistor
D7 PinAnode Pin   
D6 Pin Anode Pin  
D5 Pin  Anode Pin 
 Cathode PinCathode PinCathode PinTerminal 1
G, GND   Terminal 2

All the connections remain the same but instead of a module connect the positive legs of red, green, and yellow LED with the digital pins of the nodemcu.

Join the negative legs of all three LEDs with the GND pin of the nodemcu via 220-ohm resistors.

Code for the Project

NOTE: Please upload the code which is given below and make sure that you had uploaded the code according to the circuit that you have made.

If you are using an RGB LED module for making this project then upload code A else please upload code B.

  • Code A
 int val = 0 ;  
 void setup()  
   Serial.begin(9600); // sensor buart rate  
   pinMode(14,HIGH);  // Blue led Pin Connected To D5 Pin   
   pinMode(13,HIGH);  // Red Led Pin Connected To D7 Pin   
   pinMode(12,HIGH);  // Green Led Connected To D6 Pin    
 void loop()   
  int s1=analogRead(A0); // Water Level Sensor output pin connected A0  
  Serial.println(s1);  // See the Value In Serial Monitor     
  delay(100);      // for timer  
  if(s1>400 && s1<500 )  
    digitalWrite(14,HIGH);   // Blue led ON   
   digitalWrite(14,LOW);    // Blue led OFF  
  if(s1>500 && s1<550 )  
   digitalWrite(12,HIGH);   // Green led ON   
   digitalWrite(12,LOW);   // Green led OFF   
   if(s1>550 )   
   digitalWrite(13,HIGH);  // Red led ON   
   digitalWrite(13,LOW);   // Red led OFF   
  • Code B
 int val = 0 ;  
 void setup()  
   Serial.begin(9600); // sensor buart rate  
   pinMode(14,HIGH);  // Red led Pin Connected To D5 Pin   
   pinMode(13,HIGH);  // Green Led Pin Connected To D7 Pin   
   pinMode(12,HIGH);  // Yellow Led Connected To D6 Pin    
 void loop()   
  int s1=analogRead(A0); // Water Level Sensor output pin connected A0  
  Serial.println(s1);  // See the Value In Serial Monitor     
  delay(100);      // for timer  
  if(s1> 400 )  
    digitalWrite(14,HIGH);   // Red led ON   
   digitalWrite(14,LOW);    // Red led OFF  
  if(s1>540 )   
   digitalWrite(12,HIGH);   // Green led ON   
   digitalWrite(12,LOW);   // Green led OFF   
   if(s1>580 )   
   digitalWrite(13,HIGH);  // Yellow led ON   
   digitalWrite(13,LOW);  // Yellow led OFF   

Thanks for reading, we hope that you understand that how an RGB LED module and a water level sensor works with a nodemcu board.

If you have any doubts regarding this project then please ask them in the comments section given below. You can also read more articles on Arduino and Raspberry Pi written by us.

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